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Do You Wonder?

Oct 9, 2022

Does your child have big questions that are sometimes hard to answer?

This book poses the questions that we all wonder about.

From magical questions to practical ones, Wallace Edwards has created a beautiful picture book full of possibilities. On each page, animal illustrations accompany the many questions that we are all curious about.

A porcupine tries to make balloon animals with the text “Sometimes I wonder why some things seem so difficult”. Other creatures ask why some songs make you happy and others make you sad.

Why does it feel good to help a friend? 

Why is everyone in a hurry?

Why didn’t I think of that?

Each page allows you to wonder with the child in your life. The questions and illustrations open up conversation about fears, possibilities, and being accountable for ourselves.

Together you can explore the question, “what do you wonder?”

Helps with: opening up dialogue about big and small questions, curiosity, exploring possibilities, being accountable, fears, worries, and feeling loved.

Author: Wallace Edwards
Publisher: North Wind Press, 2022