Does your child find it hard to understand other’s feelings? Or find it hard to identify their feelings in the moment?
This book validates the ways a child can experience many different feelings in a day (oh boy, can’t we all!). The pictures, short stories, and use of speech-bubbles communicate the complexity of our human emotions. We learn that feelings change, body language shows feelings, words can hurt, and that a whole range of moods and feelings are available to us in every moment. Instead of sticking with the primary feelings of sad, happy, or angry, this book brings to life more complicated feelings like jealous, shy, bored, nervous and embarrassed. Kids will see themselves in the pages, learn to identify more feeling states, and even understand their loved ones better. It’s a fun and playful read.
Helps with: feeling identification, social skills, developing empathy, normalizing feelings, sensitivity, behaviour challenges, and self-esteem.
Author: Aliki
Publisher: Greenwillow Books, 1986