Everything You Need to Know About Teaching Children’s Yoga Starts Here



May 7, 2024

Mae’s family is moving to a new home.

She wishes she could bring her garden with her.

But there is no room for a garden in the crowded city.

Mae is missing her apple trees, and daffodils.

At first, she decides to create chalk drawings and decorates the moving boxes with flora and fauna.

That soon becomes tiring, so Mae sets out with her mom in search of trees and open spaces.

There seems to be no hope, when suddenly Mae spots a little bird who leads her to a piece of forest in the city.

The beautifully illustrated watercolours in Florette create a stark contrast between the tall buildings and lush green garden that Mae ultimately creates with the help of her friends.

Anna Walker has written a sweet story that demonstrates how we all can create our own magical gardens where ever we go.

When facing change or uncertainty, this story inspires us to let go of the old and put down new roots—the results can be spectacular!

Helps with: moving, transitions, finding the natural world anywhere, creating a garden in the city, letting go, friendship, and creativity.

Author: Anna Walker
Publisher: Clarion Books, 2018