Do you ever feel like you’re all alone on this big planet? While Earth is vast, there are a lot of people here—and this book reminds you you’re never alone.
Oliver Jeffers wrote this book for his newborn son to explain what he needed to know about Planet Earth. Like, “You have a body. Look after it, as most bits don’t grow back.” The simple notes on living give us reminders about the importance of kindness, sharing, asking for help, and using your time well.
Humans look, act, and sound different, but where it counts, we are all same—we are all people.
If you’re anything like my kids and I, you’ll adore the illustrations in this book. This is more than reading a book—it’s a visual exploration. Filled with clever side notes and quirky drawings, we loved noticing the details from our position in the Galaxy to the many variations of people doing many different things. This book was delightful and easy to identify with. We learn we don’t know everything about Earth, and how there’s still a lot to be done. The simple reminder to look after the Earth left us feeling optimistic and aware.
Helps with: understanding Earth and our place in space, diversity, awareness of differences, being responsible for our planet, tolerance, sharing, kindness, consideration, asking for help, how we are all the same, creativity.
Author: Oliver Jeffers
Publisher: Harper Collins Children’s Books, 2017