Your child has heard the word countless times. When they ask you the sex question, will you be ready?
Depending on their age, there’s a good chance that your child knows that making a baby has something to do with sex. But do they know exactly what sex is?
This book, written for ages 7 +, will bring it all to life for you and your child. With coloured pictures of male and female bodies, cartoon like pictures of the journey of the egg and sperm, and realistic images of a growing baby—this book has it all! This includes bodies of all shapes, sizes, colours and all different kinds of families. They even include sagging boobs on the grown up bodies!
Two cute cartoon characters, a curious bird and easily embarrassed bumble bee, investigate where babies come from and help to answer all the questions your child has in a light hearted, approachable, and sometimes silly way.
This is the companion book to It’s Not the Stork!: A Book About Girls, Boys, Babies, Bodies, Families and Friends for ages 4 + and It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex and Sexual Health for ages 10+. I’ve had all three books on hand for my kids to help answer the questions that came up at each age. I remember them pouring over the pictures.
Discovering that Robie Harris’ books have been challenged and banned in many libraries, makes me more committed to getting honest and accurate information about sex and their changing bodies out to children. In her newest edition of the book, Harris deals with topics of internet safety and sexting, as well as explanations of gender (including transgender) and sexual abuse.
This book helps parents to find the language needed to share what’s already on your child’s mind. Super comprehensive and reassuring, every parent needs this book on hand to be prepared to answer all the sex questions!
Helps with: sex education, sexuality, learning how babies are made, good touch vs. bad touch, different kinds of love, preparing for puberty, understanding heterosexuality and homosexuality, promoting conversations at home about sex, normalizing adoption and masturbation, showing diversity in families.
Author: Robie H. Harris
Publisher: Candlewick Press, 2004