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Outside In

Mar 28, 2021

Are you feeling called to go outside?

Or maybe you’re feeling stuck indoors with no escape?

It’s time to listen to the outside. 

The outside is beckoning you to play.

“Once we were part of the Outside and Outside was part of us.
There was nothing between us.”

Written by New York Times best selling author Deborah Underwood, this book couldn’t be better timed for this moment on the planet. After a year of social distancing and time in with ourselves, Outside In shows us how easy it is to become closed off to the outdoors. We see a young girl staying in her house, or closed in a car, with little awareness of what’s available to her outside.

Seeing the birds, the light, the moon, the shadows, the sunrise, the flowers, and more, reminds us of the beauty that surrounds us outside our windows.

Illustrations by Cindy Derby create a dreamy landscape with watercolour images that invite the young girl and the reader to emerge from in to outside.

With signs of spring showing up in the Northern Hemisphere the urge to emerge from our cocoons is very present.

This book reminds us that outside is constantly asking for our attention and is patiently waiting for us to open the door.

It’s time to get outside to explore and experience all of the wonders and beauty that has always been there.

Helps with: the interconnection of nature and humans, experiencing the beauty of nature, exploring the outdoors, rhythms of nature, shadow, light, creativity, and the importance of playing outside.

Author: Deborah Underwood
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020