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The Happiness Tree: Celebrating the Gifts of Trees We Treasure

Aug 16, 2023

“Everything good begins with me”, the acorn told its mother tree.

Come follow the acorn from seed of hope to a forest of happiness.

The Happiness Tree is a tale of ten trees and the simple gifts they bring us. Each tree stands for a different attribute from love and generosity to gratitude and peace.

The trees teach us how to be in the world.

Written in prose and filled with beautiful illustrations, the trees come to life on each page as they share their messages with us. The wildlife inhabiting the trees remind us of the care that we can give to nature and how we are always learning from the natural world.

At the end of the book, we discover more about each type of tree and where they can be found in the world. Each state in the United States have a state tree listed and Canada’s is listed as well.

At the front of the book as you open the cover you can agree to this:

I ______ promise to care for the birds, chipmunks, squirrels, and wildlife nestled in the branches of trees. I will protect the trees in my community. I will water my trees. I will start with my heart and my own little patch of earth.

This book is a beautiful tribute to trees and reminds us of the importance of tending to the trees and our own little patch of earth.

I’m so grateful for the gifts that trees and nature gives us!

Helps with: generosity, peace, courage, love, tolerance, honesty, happiness, compassion, gratitude, and hope, earth day resource, honouring trees, nature, and character development.

Author: Andrea Albin Gosline
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends, 2008