Everything You Need to Know About Teaching Children’s Yoga Starts Here

Paul Donelan

This training was a journey of risk and reward, learning and laughter, but most of all…magic.


You embody all that yoga gives—love, trust, stamina, vulnerability and more. It is your passion to share these qualities and your desire for everyone to claim them for themselves that I am so grateful for.


I never thought I could have this much fun with my coworkers! The energy and passion you put into the day allowed me to reconnect with my own energy and passion. I feel incredibly refreshed and at peace. Thank you so much.


Your guidance came at a much needed time in my life. You bring an energy into the space around you that is both easily observed and absorbed. I find it interesting that the 2 major crises I have experienced in my adult life have brought me to your teachings. I offer...


I wanted to let you know that four simple words you whispered to me in Costa Rica – ‘let the universe decide’ – have become something of a mantra for me these past 9 months. Through highs and lows, I am both humbled and take comfort in these words.