
Social Media Tips for Parents
I’ve gotta admit it—sometimes I feel lost as a parent when it comes to social media. If you stepped into my brain, here’s what you might hear: Are my media rules working? Are they enough?Should I set more limits? Is it too late?Am I a bad role-model?How can I slow...

How Not to Lose Yourself as a Mom
You wanted to become a mom—with every fiber in your being. OR, you were surprised by becoming a mom—but embraced those double blue lines wholeheartedly. But then the whirr and hum of mom-life sets in. You can’t remember when you started eating food scraps off little...

Dating as a single mom
Apparently we don’t have to repeat the same relationship patterns over and over again. Was this helpful? Let me know which part really hit home, in the comments below. You’re more powerful than you know, Carolynxo

More Rules Please: When Kids Secretly Beg for Boundaries
My daughter Anabel’s friends shared they were woke—in the middle of the night—by an Amber Alert that went out on the cellular network. The girls were surprised when Anabel told them she didn’t see the alert until the morning when she turned on her phone. At our...

Why I take my kids to Counselling
My life is not perfect. A few years ago one of my girls broke a window in a fit of rage. You know, the antique glass window? My other girl has slammed too many doors to count. I don’t always know how to manage the intensity that can take over my household. It comes in...

When the World Turns in 10 minutes
It’s the most stressful 10 minutes of my year. Every year. I’m standing watching my daughter in the school yard and there are hoards of kids running around reuniting after a summer apart. It’s the first day of school and we’ve arrived the requisite 15 minutes before...

My Kids are Fighting Over Media
My kids are fighting over media. This isn’t the usual “get out of my room!” or “she did this to me” fighting. They’re fighting about what to post on Instagram. One day it was a fight about posting a photo to commemorate National Siblings Day (the irony). The next day...

Peace, Love and Dendrites
It was a difficult yelling, fighting, and rushing kinda morning with the kids. Dropping them off at school, I couldn’t erase the morning. But I could remind them about starting over. We didn’t do well with being kind to each other this morning. We can do better. Go...

Thank you, Laura
It’s been 13 years, but I still remember Laura’s advice. She was the down-to-earth nurse who ran the New Moms group at the local hospital. In those early days, I never passed up an opportunity to be with other new moms. Laura was a lifeline. I loved getting parenting...

Walking Forward with Shaky Legs
My eldest daughter seemed to morph into a teenager overnight and I just about lost my mind. I thought I was ready. I’d supported countless women and teens through this same transition and always thought of it as an exciting time of life, full of potential—which it is....