Mystic Moms Logo
Awakening our forgotten powers of Intuition, Creativity and Connection.


  • Do you feel like you’re constantly doing but never getting ahead?
  • Do you feel like you don’t have enough time, energy, or patience as a mom?
  • Do you feel like you’re doing it all wrong, or even worse, that you’re damaging your child?
  • Are you sick of yelling all the time and feeling depleted and cranky?
  • Since becoming a mom, have you lost your sense of who you are?

What is the Mystic Moms Course?

Mystic Moms is a 4-week, interactive video-based program for moms who want to learn to use their natural energetic powers to make shifts in their lives.

Videos (with accompanying downloadable worksheets) are released once a week for 4 weeks, giving you lots of time to complete the course and stay motivated.

The course is loaded with practical energetic tools and techniques.

You’ll get two support calls with me—one at the mid-way point, and one at the end of the course. I’ll answer your questions, provide support, and help you make positive changes that stick!

Carolyn Burke

Mystic Moms is a 4-week, interactive video-based program for moms who want to learn to use their natural energetic powers to make shifts in their lives.

Videos (with accompanying downloadable worksheets) are released once a week for 4 weeks, giving you lots of time to complete the course and stay motivated.

The course is loaded with practical energetic tools and techniques.

You’ll get two support calls with me—one at the mid-way point, and one at the end of the course. I’ll answer your questions, provide support, and help you make positive changes that stick!

  • What if you could feel more connected and confident in your parenting?
  • What if you could get your zest back and feel more balanced and in charge?
  • What if you could use your natural energetic powers to make shifts in your life, and your family’s life?

I used to have an overwhelming feeling of mom-failure. There was always more I could be doing and it felt impossible to get everything right. One day I looked around at my friends, colleagues, students, and clients, and realized every mom I knew felt they were failing in some way—which is simply not true.

Some days I still feel like I’m no good at this motherhood thing. But now I know where it comes from—and how to change it.

We deserve better.

I know it doesn’t have to be this hard, which is why I created the Mystic Moms program.

Before I brought energetics into my parenting, I had that “bad mom” feeling a lot. Now, when that feeling shows up, I recognize it and know exactly what to do. My life isn’t perfect, but those “failure feelings” don’t stick around anymore.

These practices have given me my freedom back.

Is this course for you?

This course is for you if you want to…

    • Learn how to use energy to support, empower, and direct healing to yourself and your loved ones
    • Strengthen your connection to yourself and regain your zest for life and vitality
    • Do less busy work and have tons of energy to be more present
    • Connect with a community of conscious moms who want to feel empowered
    • Feel supported as you create changes in your life
    • Learn to shift, focus, and reset your personal energy
    • Feel more comfortable setting boundaries for yourself
    • Create a calm and joyful home
    • Create meaning in things that used to feel like a burden
    • Find creative solutions to problems
    • Understand how to use the subtle energies available to everyone
    • Strengthen your connection to your children and feel more confident as a parent
    • Learn from the comfort of your home or listen while on the move (everything is downloadable)

    This course is NOT for you if…

    • You don’t believe that “energy” is real
    • Connecting with your energetic powers is just not your thing
    • You’re looking for a quick fix solution
    • Everything in your life is working perfectly and you don’t need guidance or support as a mom
    • You need more intensive support like one-on-one therapy

    When you sign up for the Mystic Moms on-line video course you’ll learn there’s more to life than constantly doing.

    You’ll learn how powerful you are as a mom, and how to use your energy to support yourself and your family.

    You don’t have to read a bunch of books, attend multiple workshops, or spend hours implementing another “latest craze” behavior strategy. In fact, this course is designed to fit perfectly into your busy schedule. You can do it on your own time (pausing whenever you need to change the laundry, get on a work call, run an errand, or get kiddies to bed). Best of all, you have lifetime access to the course so you can repeat sessions whenever you like.

    Whether you have one child or many, whether you are coupled, a co-parent, a single mom, a step-mom, or a primary caregiver—this course is for you. Whether you’re working outside the home, in the home, or juggling both—this course is for you.


    The Course

    Here’s what you’ll learn in each video session
    Session 1
    Introduction on using your personal energy
    • Become a master of your own energy, and reclaim your feminine power, your birthright.
    • See daily routines from an entirely different lens.
    • Why moms are like radio transmitters, and how to tune your station to a higher frequency and increase your personal power.
    • Learn to separate your feelings from the feelings of your kids (especially when you feel guilty or not good enough).
    • Shift the energy in your home by building a “feeling” vocabulary.
    • How leaning in works better than resistance.
    • A four-step technique that will help you with every challenge in your life.
    • An energy-charging technique you can use anywhere, anytime.
    • Personal examples and stories about how this works in Carolyn’s life.
    Session 2
    The Royal Order, and how it will change your world
    • Refueling for busy moms—the hidden cost of avoiding it.
    • Simple self-care strategies for every lifestyle and budget.
    • Obligation energy, and getting unstuck.
    • Accountability to yourself and your vitality.
    • The 7 Mental Traps that prevent us from living vibrantly.
    • How “energy work” transcends time.
    • What to do when we don’t have support.
    • Clearing out the old to bring in the new.
    • Core beliefs that sabotage wellness.
    • A quick technique for grounding and opening to inspiration in times of chaos and stress.
    Session 3
    How to manage resistance from others
    • Shifting your Frequency—what to expect, and surprising ways your changes can impact your family.
    • 7 Techniques for managing resistance to change—in you and others.
    • Carolyn’s “Rescue Fantasy” and how it was holding her back.
    • Ending the Damsel in Distress—
    • Empowering You.
    • Getting Support.
    • 2 bonus healing practices: 1) for calming and 2) for focus, clarity, and sharpening memory.
    Session 4
    Sustainable Self-Care
    • Cultivating a spirit of discernment.
      Adults use peer pressure too.
    • How do I know what my heart wants?
    • Tier 1 Self Care
    • Tier 2 Self Care
    • Meditation for busy moms.
    • Working with Energy.
    • The true source of power and clarity.
    • Distant mental influence.
    • Steps to stay connected with your child/teen when you’re apart.
    • Flow freely meditation sequence—for feeling beautiful, cultivating self-love, flowing through change, and being true to you.
    • Peaceful warrior meditation sequence—for confidence, speaking your truth, and inner peace.
    • Guided meditation for busy moms.
      Mini meditations you can practice with school-age kids.

    Here’s what you’ll get

    • 100% online
    • 4 video sessions (one video released every week) $80 Value
    • Audio-file (MP3’) format so you can choose video or audio $20 Value
    • 8 OMwork sheets designed to help you put what you’ve learned into practice $80 Value
    • Short Guided Meditation designed for Busy Moms $22 Value
    • Bonus energetic tools and techniques to support you and your parenting $40 Value
    • Healing practices for you and your family $30 Value
    • 2 Live Mystic Moms Group Support Calls with Carolyn $300 Value
    • Members only Mystic Moms Facebook Group $160 Value

    Value $730



    Here’s what some of the Mystic Moms group members have said about the course

    From the first module, I felt an emotional connection to the entire program. I needed this. I loved knowing that I am not alone. You helped me connect with my boys, and I could feel the understanding from you.

    Amy Kean

    The whole program spoke to me. The OMwork was amazing. I needed to think about these things, and you made me feel safe to feel the way I feel.

    Michelle Nichol

    I cannot thank you enough for Mystic Moms. It truly was an honour to watch and learn from you. I would absolutely recommend this course. It’s so important for moms to know about this program! It’s rich in content, compassionate in the care it extends, and the worksheets are amazing.

    Shannon Moyer-Szemenyei

    You made me feel honoured as a mom, which helped me accept that I deserve time for myself. I’ve experienced lots of positive changes already. After the program, my mindset shifted from “I need to do more, more, more” to “I am doing enough.” You helped me IMMENSELY.

    Laura Smith

    You are an inspiration to me in so many ways, Carolyn, especially as a mom and as a woman who is true to herself. Your clarity around what you need and deserve and your strength in creating healthy boundaries and speaking up for yourself and your girls are amazing. Thank you for being you so fully!

    Catherine Tansley

    If you’re anything like me, a part of you might be saying “Oh, that sounds amazing!—I’ll sign up later…when I have more time.”

    I knew you’d say that. But I don’t want you to wait another year to feel better about yourself as a mom. You and your family are too important.

    Which is why I am giving you an incentive to get this happening now. If you purchase the course before May 12th, you’ll have the opportunity to study and learn in the company of other moms, participate in the live calls, and interact with me. If you wait to take the course later, you’ll pay more and lose these bonuses.

    Tell your loved ones that this would be a perfect Mother’s Day gift!

    I know that you’re ready to give back to yourself as a mom.

    Let’s get your zest for life back and help you to do less so you can be more.

    You are a mother—and so much more.

    You deserve this.

    I’ve helped hundreds of families through transition and challenge. But this course is not designed to provide support for your child’s specific behaviour problem. That requires a thorough understanding of your unique child and family situation.

    This course is not going to give you more to do in your already busy life.

    You’ll discover how to use your heart, mind, breath, awareness, intuition, and intention to change what’s happening inside and all around you.

    I’ve taken my decades of experience as a family counselor and yoga teacher trainer—but most importantly as a mom—and put together this training to help women reignite the power that’s already within them.

    I understand the struggles mothers go through, and Mystic Moms is the gateway to getting your vitality back—which is why I really want to share it with you!

    I don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity. If you have any questions, please read the FAQ, and if you’re still not sure, feel free to contact me and my team at