My life is not perfect.
A few years ago one of my girls broke a window in a fit of rage. You know, the antique glass window? My other girl has slammed too many doors to count. I don’t always know how to manage the intensity that can take over my household. It comes in like a hurricane when I least expect it.
There’s also the competition between my kids for my attention, the every day arguments that go with sharing space and the awareness that each child is going through their own stage of development. And I can’t always make sense of it in the moment.
Let’s face it–sometimes doing it alone is too much!
This is why I take my kids to counselling.
Not because they are maladjusted or have severe problems. I do it because having a professional involved in their lives makes me feel like I have an objective support to contribute to their growth and development.
I can feel my body begin to relax when we get into her office. All the swirling of emotions start to settle as I hear what’s on my child’s mind and start to take a step back.
It helps me to feel I have a team working with me who have her well-being in mind.
Sometimes it’s a stretch financially.
But when we both leave the sessions feeling lighter and are filled with new ideas, I know it’s worth every penny.
Taking my child to counselling means getting real with myself.
I have to be willing to open myself up to examination as a parent. I have to admit I don’t always have the answers and I certainly don’t always do it “right”.
It doesn’t matter if you have a partner, grandparent, or a whole neighbourhood parenting with you. Getting outside support (from your brand of professional) can really help ease the worry and lighten the load.
It’s worth the world to me. What is support worth to you? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
Remember—you’ve got this!
With Love,