What does it mean to be still?
What can we observe around us?
An unmoveable stone teaches us about stillness, time, and perspective.
This beautifully illustrated book introduces us to an unchanging stone in a constantly changing environment.
“A stone sat still with the water, grass, and dirt and it was as it was where it was in the world.”
Written and illustrated by New York Times Best-selling author and illustrator, Brendan Wenzel, this book uses rhyming verse to teach children about colour, size, function and time.
The stone’s unmoveable permanence teaches us to be where we are in the world.
This is a great reminder that we can be like the stone, and be still, no matter how much change and chaos may be swirling around us.
A perfect way to educate kids about the environment, nature, animals, and how powerful our perception can be. The stone doesn’t change but in different light, to different animals, it looks different and has vastly different functions. To a moose it’s a pebble, to a bug it’s a hill, it’s quiet and it’s loud.
You and your preschoolers and kindergarteners will love the illustrations of so many creatures in nature and the changing environment.
Helps with: using your senses, identifying colours, shapes and function, use of emotions to interpret our environment, understanding nature, perspective taking, mindfulness, being present, and change over time.
Author: Brenday Wenzel
Publisher: Chronicle Books LLC, 2019